Galleria Borghese. Catalogo generale
$150.00 -
$30.00 -
Women Painters in Rome
$22.00 -
Poetry and Painting
$50.00 -
Sculpter à la Renaissance: Un art pour (é)mouvoir
$35.00 -
The Art and Industry of Stucco Decoration in Europe from the Late 16th to the Early 18th Century
$55.00 -
The Places of the Impressionists
$35.00 -
Album «Fra Bartolommeo»
$60.00 -
$35.00 -
Martha Bibescu Queen of the Belle Époque
$25.00 -
The Cathedral of Cremona
$16.95 -
The Palazzo Vecchio Grotesques
$22.50 -
Luca Giordano
$40.00 -
Paysages hollandais de Barend Hendrik Thier
$50.00 -
The Medici Portraits
$16.95 -
Limoges Enamel Triptychs
$24.00 -
Comparative Hell
$65.00 -
In Search of Eternity
$18.00 -
Le carnet Meuricoffre: portraits d’Antoine Jean Gros
$50.00 -
Galleria Borghese. General Catalogue
$100.00 -
100 Masterpieces of National Galleries Barberini and Corsini
$22.50 -
Girodet. “Imitations d’Anacréon”
$55.00 -
The Book of Tea
$25.00 -
Il Corpo e l’Anima