Dyes in History and Archaeology
$75.00 -
Emblems for a Queen
$85.00 -
Preparation for Paintings
$80.00 -
Retouching of Art on Paper
$50.00 -
Art Technology
$75.00 -
East Asian Paintings
$100.00 -
Protein Facts
$55.00 -
Conservation Science 2007
$90.00 -
Metals and Mines
$100.00 -
Textiles and Text
$95.00 -
The British Museum Technical Research Bulletin
$55.00 -
The Invention of Pastel Painting
$120.00 -
The Future of the 20th Century
$90.00 -
Architectural Paint Research in Building Conservation
$90.00 -
Medieval Painting in Northern Europe
$160.00 -
Medieval Reliquary Shrines
$95.00 -
All Manner of Murals
$90.00 -
Scientific Research on the Sculptural Arts of Asia
$130.00 -
Artists’ Pigments
$155.00 -
Arab Paper
$45.00 -
Art of All Colors
$60.00 -
Art of the Past–Sources & Reconstruction
$75.00 -
Barkcloth Aspects of Preparation Use, Deterioration, Conservation and Display
$40.00 -
Big Pictures–Problems and Solutions for Treating
Archetype Publications
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