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Book cover of This is Amsterdam: Amsterdam Through the Eyes of 40 Instagram Photographers, featuring an aerial view of the Dutch city at night. Published by Lannoo Publishers.

This is Amsterdam

Amsterdam Through the Eyes of 40 Instagram Photographers

Edited by Terra Publishing


Publishing 6th May 2025
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  • The ultimate portrait of contemporary Amsterdam
  • Amsterdam through the lenses of 40 Instagram photographers
  • Perfectly timed with Amsterdam's 750th anniversary celebrations
  • First in the This is... series, showcasing world cities through the eyes of top social media photographers
Full Description

Join us in celebrating Amsterdam’s rich 750-year history with this captivating book by Terra. Forty Instagram photographers contribute their best, favorite, or most touching photos of Amsterdam, providing an extremely varied image of this world city. Alongside the breathtaking images, discover fun and practical facts about the tallest tower, the longest bridge, and the best spots to buy museum tickets. From iconic buildings and monuments to cozy streets and intimate moments: This is Amsterdam is the ultimate portrait of the contemporary Dutch capital.

Lannoo Publishers
Publish date
6th May 2025
USA & Canada
8.43 in x 10.87 in
288 Pages
250 color
Name of series
This Is...
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