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Book cover of Taste Korea: Korean Recipes With Local Ingredients, with Korean vegetables: red pepper, and white dadagi cucumber. Published by Lannoo Publishers.

Taste Korea

Korean Recipes With Local Ingredients

By (author) Ae Jin Huys


  • Easy Korean food with ingredients from your kitchen!
  • A great and easy way to discover the Korean cuisine
  • Healthy and tasty recipes, beautifully presented
Full Description

What makes Korean food so tasty? The secret is in the “jangs,” sauces that have been a staple of Korean cuisine for thousands of years. Jang is prepared by fermenting soybeans into soy sauce (ganjang), soybean paste (doenjang) and chilli paste (gochujang). This seasoning not only delivers a rich palette of flavors but it also offers significant health benefits. Ae Jin Huys already introduced us to kimchi, Korean fermented vegetables. In this book she shows how to use various jangs to season your meals. Try replacing the butter on your potatoes with jang, for instance, and discover a rich bouquet of aromas. With 70 accessible recipes – using ingredients easily available from your local store – these jangs make your daily fare healthier and tastier in no time at all. The best of both worlds!

About the Author

Ae Jin Huys has been serving delicious Korean food for years, at pop-ups, events and workshops. Together with her husband, musician Frederik Sioen, she often travels to Korea to find new inspiration.

Lannoo Publishers
1st May 2023
USA & Canada
7.87 in x 11.02 in
216 Pages
90 color
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