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Book cover of Maggie's Centres: On the Road Architecture Guides, with an aerial map of south east England. Published by Forma Edizioni.

Maggie's Centres: On the Road Architecture Guides

By (author) Caterina Frisone


  • For the first time, the most important Maggie's Centres in UK are illustrated with precise itineraries, showing the importance of their role and their architecture
  • The jacket opens out into a map marking the location of each centre
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About the Author
Caterina Frisone is an architect and graduate of the Polytechnic of Milan. She is a visiting professor from Venice, where she practices and teaches at the University IUAV of Venice. Starting from 1992, she had been teaching with Francesco Venezia collaborating for almost twenty years in architectural design and teaching drawings and architectural representation within his course. Moreover, Caterina has taught architecture and urban design for numerous American architecture schools such as University of Maryland in Washington DC and Rome, Kent Stat U. in Florence, Syracuse U. in USA and Florence, Cornell U. in Rome, Catholic U. in Washington and Rome. Her research has focused on architecture, urban design, architectural representation, considering the academic work as the source for the real work. As a professional, she has built a Community Centre for the City of Venice and curated an exhibition for the MUVE in 2011. From 1999 to 2003 she was the program coordinator of the CUA Study Abroad Program in Rome and, in 2010, the Program Director of University of Maryland in Rome. In 2008 she launched the Master in Architecture of the Ship and the Yacht at the 54th Biennale of Architecture in Venice. Since 2012 she has been a member of the Cruise Venice Commettee in Venice. She has published articles and teaches thesys lab and portfolio design as a visiting professor.
Caterina Frisone is an architect and graduate of the Polytechnic of Milan. She is a visiting professor from Venice, where she practices and teaches at the University IUAV of Venice. Starting from 1992, she had been teaching with Francesco Venezia collaborating for almost twenty years in architectural design and teaching drawings and architectural representation within his course. Moreover, Caterina has taught architecture and urban design for numerous American architecture schools such as University of Maryland in Washington DC and Rome, Kent Stat U. in Florence, Syracuse U. in USA and Florence, Cornell U. in Rome, Catholic U. in Washington and Rome. Her research has focused on architecture, urban design, architectural representation, considering the academic work as the source for the real work. As a professional, she has built a Community Centre for the City of Venice and curated an exhibition for the MUVE in 2011. From 1999 to 2003 she was the program coordinator of the CUA Study Abroad Program in Rome and, in 2010, the Program Director of University of Maryland in Rome. In 2008 she launched the Master in Architecture of the Ship and the Yacht at the 54th Biennale of Architecture in Venice. Since 2012 she has been a member of the Cruise Venice Commettee in Venice. She has published articles and teaches thesys lab and portfolio design as a visiting professor.
Forma Edizioni
1st Sep 2022
Paperback / softback
USA & Canada
4.53 in x 6.3 in
152 Pages
82 color, 60 b&w
Name of series
On the Road Architecture Guides
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