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Book cover of Little Black Book for Moms, featuring Sofie Valkiers in white collared dress, having a picnic in the park, with her baby resting on thigh, and Eiffel Tower behind. Published by Lannoo Publishers.

Little Black Book for Moms

By (author) Sofie Valkiers


  • Popular Belgian style blogger (Fashionata) and author (Little Black Book, and Mood of the Day) Sofie Valkiers offers her personal insights into staying stylish while pregnant and after the baby is born. This little black book for fashionable moms includes beauty and fashion tips for moms and their babies
Full Description

Sofie Valkiers is best known as the founder and driving force behind the popular fashion, beauty, lifestyle blog, Fashionata. She is also the mom of 1-year old Gabriel, and in this handy guide she proves that it’s possible to both have a baby and remain stylish. Little Black Book for Moms is filled with practical tips and inspiration: what to pack in your hospital bag, where to find the most fashionable maternity wear, how to make a baby wardrobe checklist, and how to profit from ‘pregnancy glow’. Speaking from experience, she reveals her own secrets to remaining your most fashionable self while expecting your baby and beyond.

About the Author

Sofie Valkiers started her blog, Fashionata, in 2009. Today she has become an influential fashion, beauty, lifestyle blogger and author, working with brands such as Dior, Chanel and Louis Vuitton. She is the author of Little Black Book ISBN 9789401427913, and Mood of the Day, and has her own line of all-natural scented candles.

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Lannoo Publishers
1st Jan 2019
USA & Canada
6.69 in x 8.27 in
160 Pages
180 color, 30 b&w
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