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Book cover of Italian Renaissance Drawings: Technical Examination and Analysis, with two figure drawings. Published by Archetype Publications.

Italian Renaissance Drawings

Technical Examination and Analysis

By (author) Janet Ambers ED


  • The drawings discussed here were included in the exhibition, 'Fra Angelico to Leonardo: Italian Renaissance Drawings', held at the British Museum, London and the Uffizi Gallery, Florence in 2010-2011
Full Description

The drawings discussed in this book, published in association with the British Museum, were all included in the exhibition, Fra Angelico to Leonardo: Italian Renaissance Drawings, which took place in the Round Reading Room at the British Museum from 22nd April to 25th July 2010. This is a collaborative project with the Gabinetto Disegno e Stampe degli Uffizi and the same selection of drawings will be shown in Florence in autumn 2010. While making extensive use of these existing studies, many of which are cited in the chapters that follow, in this publication great emphasis is placed on how the results from examination and analysis can go beyond determining simply the materials used but to draw conclusions about the reason and manner of their use and the patterns of use across fifteenth-century Italy.

Archetype Publications
22nd Jul 2020
Paperback / softback
USA & Canada
8.43 in x 11.90 in
174 Pages
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