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Book cover of Grand Interiors, featuring a floral wallpaper. Published by Luster Publishing.

Grand Interiors

By (author) Geoffroy Van Hulle


Publishing 6th May 2025
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  • A voluptuous tour through the stunning interiors curated by Belgian decorator Geoffroy Van Hulle
Full Description

Van Hulle is not an interior designer but an interior artist. He understands the art of transforming the soul of the occupants into the soul of a house.” – Elle Deco

Grand Interiors is an immersive ‘grand tour’ of Geoffroy Van Hulle’s grandiose interiors. The Belgian decorator gives us a look inside exuberant private homes, from Knokke to New York. In his unpretentious interiors, he sprinkles generously with colors, patterns and exoticism. ‘Nowhere in my interiors is the distance to a bookcase, fireplace or bar cabinet more than five steps,’ he says. With the bravura of his teachers Cecil Beaton and David Hicks, he designs dazzling sets for everyday theater.

Please welcome on stage, mister Geoffroy Van Hulle and his Grand Interiors!

About the Author

Geoffroy Van Hulle is an interior decorator. Interiors of his hand can be found from Paris, Amsterdam to New York. His style is maximalist and cosmopolitan. He does everything on intuition. A sense of beauty. A sense of harmony. A sense of grandeur. As he himself puts it: ‘Pure simplicity is a very complicated matter.’

Luster Publishing
Publish date
6th May 2025
USA & Canada
9.84 in x 12.99 in
280 Pages
280 color
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