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Book cover of Stephen McLaren's The Crash, with figures in dark suits, faces obscured, one holding a cigarette. Published by Hoxton Mini Press.

The Crash

By (author) Stephen McLaren


  • Ten years since the financial crash, these searing street photographs cast a critical eye over the heart of London
Full Description

Published to mark the 10th anniversary of the 2008 global financial crisis, these photographs capture surreal and tense times on the streets of the City of London, the heart of the world economy. Shooting during the crash and its aftermath, McLaren documents a city in flux as a tumultuous sequence of events rolls through the Square Mile: bail-outs, job losses, anti-capitalist protests, a recession, and after a few years, the controversial re-starting of bonuses. This visual record of those uncertain times is characterized by the photographer’s sharp and satirical eye.

About the Author

Stephen McLaren is a photographer, writer and curator specializing in street photography. Scottish born but based in Los Angeles, McLaren has exhibited his own work numerous times in the UK and has curated exhibitions in LA and San Francisco.

Hoxton Mini Press
4th Apr 2019
USA & Canada
5.51 in x 8.10 in
112 Pages
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