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Book cover of Retail Design International Vol. 8, Components, Spaces, Buildings, with a design exhibition space, and dispensers. Published by Avedition Gmbh.

Retail Design International Vol. 8

Components, Spaces, Buildings

By (author) Jons Messedat


  • International retail design in times of change
  • Sponsorship by the patron: Environmental, Social Governance (ESG)
  • Interactive book with the ayscan image recognition app
Full Description

Through the connectivity of different cultures, technologies and living environments, the retail sector is increasingly varied and experimental. At the same time, the uncertainties of the last two years have shown that free international trade between nations and continents is a fragile asset. Retail chains have been severed and the availability of energy and raw materials is limited. Creative stopgaps, as well as analog and digital elements that appeal to all our senses, give new impulses for urban retailing. On the way to a retail metaverse, high-touch meets high-tech.

Text in English and German.

About the Author

The editor Dr. Jons Messedat is an architect and industrial designer. After work with Sir Norman Foster in London and in Berlin, he completed his doctorate at the Bauhaus University Weimar on the subject of Corporate Architecture. He teaches the Construction and Space module at HAWK Hildesheim and is a jury member in architecture and design competitions.

8th May 2023
USA & Canada
8.27 in x 11.81 in
192 Pages
250 color
Name of series
Retail Design International
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