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Book cover of The Female Chef, Stories and recipes from 31 women redefining the British food scene, with Andi Oliver in chef whites. Published by Hoxton Mini Press.

The Female Chef

Stories and recipes from 31 women redefining the British food scene

By (author) Clare Finney
By (author) Liz Seabrook


  • Includes over 30 recipes from some of Britain’s most exciting chefs
Full Description

A glance at the current list of British Michelin-starred chefs will tell you the food scene’s historic gender imbalance is far from solved. Women, though traditionally encouraged to cook at home, have long been much less championed in professional kitchens. And yet, within this challenging environment, many women are pioneering change – from nurturing all-female teams to shaking up the narrative of what it means to be a woman and a chef. This book celebrates those at the forefront of modern food, and the experiences that got them there, bringing together insightful interviews, original portraits and each chef’s most memorable recipe.

About the Author

Clare Finney writes for a wide variety of national and regional magazines and was Fortnum and Mason’s Food Writer of The Year, 2019.

Hoxton Mini Press
10th Dec 2021
USA & Canada
7.75 in x 10 in
216 Pages
150 color
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