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Book cover of Qatar Guide: Art, Culture, Heritage. Published by Cultureshock.

Qatar Guide

Art, Culture, Heritage

Edited by Cultureshock


Publishing 14th Oct 2024
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    • The only internationally available dedicated guide to the arts and culture of Qatar
    • Documents the incredible changes taking place in the Gulf State building some of the world's most incredible museums
    • Details over 50 pieces of public art dotted about the country from internationally renowned artists including Damien Hirst, Richard Serra and Olafur Eliasson
    Full Description

    This is the first comprehensive guide to the arts, architecture and culture of Qatar, a country that is fast becoming one of the most influential players on the international arts scene. The guide includes profiles of major creative figures in Qatar and a section of biographical sketches of the architects contributing to the shape of the country. There are also sections on culture and entertainment, dining out, sports and leisure, children’s activities and shopping. The book is heavily illustrated with specially commissioned photography and contains detailed maps.

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    Publish date
    14th Oct 2024
    210 mm x 148 mm
    260 Pages
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