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Book cover of Sylvia Edwards, with a bright orange and yellow abstract watercolour. Published by Pallas Athene.

Sylvia Edwards

By (author) Mel Gooding


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  • This beautifully illustrated monograph comes with a signed limited edition full colour lithograph from American abstract artist Sylvia Edwards, making it a true collector’s item
Full Description

Sylvia Edwards, when describing her technique for beginning a new abstract watercolour, begins with the application of colour which seems to start the whole mystical process of what will eventually become a satisfactory image. ‘I carefully place on a fresh palette as many colours as can possibly fit, rather than selecting a limited palette. The full range of colours is more of a challenge, especially with watercolours. Colours are like a celestial banquet. The more vivid and varied they are, the happier I am.’ Sylvia Edwards’s work has achieved huge commercial success and is known, and respected, around the world. She has had over 30 solo exhibitions in America, Europe, the Far and Middle East since her first commercial, one-woman exhibition, at the Iran American Society in Tehran in 1975. Nearly 50 group exhibitions have included her work since her first group show, in 1962 at Abadan, in Iran. Her reproductions on unicef greetings cards are amongst the most popular and sell in their millions. Her poster prints for highly succesful art publishers such as the Art Group (London) and Bruce McGaw Graphics (New York) were amongst the top-selling images in their respective ranges. Yet Sylvia Edwards has chosen to work within that most difficult of artistic genres – the abstract. An ability to satisfy the toughest aesthetic critique alongside success within the extraordinarily competitive ­– and largely non-abstract – commercial art world is rare, and especially so for a woman. This beautifully illustrated monograph is the first time a comprehensive account of her work has been made available. The distinguished art critic, Mel Gooding, has contributed an illuminating essay on Edward’s artistic achievement and David Elliott has collaborated with the artist to add a biographical account of her much-varied life. The whole book adds up to a celebration of one of our most interesting, yet commercially succesful, abstract painters. Each copy comes with a signed limited edition full colour lithograph, making this beautiful book a true collector’s item.

Pallas Athene
10th Apr 2023
310 mm x 240 mm
200 Pages
100 color
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