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Book cover of Allen Hoffman's Small Worlds, with four small children, their chins resting on a desk, and a man teaching from books, Published by Abbeville Press.

Small Worlds

By (author) Allen Hoffman


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  • Classic in its vision and generosity, this extraordinary novel follows the lives and loves of the villagers of Krimsk, a small Hasidic settlement in Eastern Europe, in 1903
Full Description

Classic in its vision and generosity, this extraordinary novel follows the lives and loves of the villagers of Krimsk, a small Hasidic settlement in Eastern Europe, in 1903.

The first volume in Allen Hoffman’s critically acclaimed series, Small Worlds takes place in 1903 and introduces the wondrous rebbe of Krimsk—a small Hasidic settlement in Eastern Europe. Secluded in his study for the past five years, the beloved rebbe suddenly emerges on the eve of Tisha B’Av, the holiday for commemorating the destruction of the holy temple in Jerusalem. His congregants are overjoyed to see him, but their joy is to be short-lived, for this holiday at the dawn of the twentieth century will be marked by strange and momentous events that will change their lives forever.

Small Worlds is the first in a series of novels concerning the people of Krimsk and their descendants in America, Poland, Russia, and Israel. In each volume Allen Hoffman draws on his deep knowledge of Jewish religion and history to evoke the “small worlds” his characters inhabit.

Echoes of Jewish literary tradition can be heard in Small Worlds, especially the mystical realism of Isaac Bashevis Singer and the poignant humour of Sholom Aleichem, on whose tales Fiddler on the Roof is based.

About the Author

Allen Hoffman, award-winning author of the novel Small Worlds and of a novella and short stories, was born in Saint Louis and received his B.A. in American history from Harvard University. He studied the Talmud in yeshivas in New York and Jerusalem, and has taught in New York City schools. He and his wife and four children live in Jerusalem. He teaches English literature and creative writing at Bar-Ilan University.

Abbeville Press
17th Nov 2023
World excluding USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Australia
211 mm x 145 mm
280 Pages
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