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Book cover of Reflections: Views on the Collection Flemish Community, with portrait painting of Léon Spilliaert. Published by Hannibal Books.


Views on the Collection Flemish Community

By (author) Koenraad Jonckheere
By (author) Lien Vandenberghe


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  • Discover Flanders’ secret art treasures, masterpieces, and curiosities from the Flemish Community's art collection
Full Description

Of the more than 40,000 pieces that make up the Collection Flemish Community, only a small portion hangs in the halls of major museums. Most of the collection is out of sight of the general public.
Reflections – Views on the Collection Flemish Community reveals for the first time the result of years of collecting and unveils the diversity of art in Flanders. Masterpieces are placed alongside unknown treasures. Present and past are interwoven in marvellous combinations. The result is not only a feast for the eyes, but also offers a surprising insight into the multitude of ways in which one can look at art and demonstrates how unique the collection is.

About the Author

Koenraad Jonckheere is a professor of art history at Ghent University and the author of the bestseller Another History of Art – 2,500 Years of European Art History. Lien Vandenberghe studied art sciences at Ghent University, where she has been a teaching assistant since 2022.

Hannibal Books
31st May 2024
World excluding Benelux, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, and Italy
280 mm x 225 mm
384 Pages
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