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Book cover of Poetry and Painting: Giovan Battista Marino and the “Marvelous” Passion, featuring a painting by Nicolas Poussin titled 'The Empire of Flora. Published by Officina Libraria.
Book cover of Poetry and Painting: Giovan Battista Marino and the “Marvelous” Passion, featuring a painting by Nicolas Poussin titled 'The Empire of Flora. Published by Officina Libraria.
Book cover of Poetry and Painting: Giovan Battista Marino and the “Marvelous” Passion, featuring a painting by Nicolas Poussin titled 'The Empire of Flora. Published by Officina Libraria.
Book cover of Poetry and Painting: Giovan Battista Marino and the “Marvelous” Passion, featuring a painting by Nicolas Poussin titled 'The Empire of Flora. Published by Officina Libraria.
Book cover of Poetry and Painting: Giovan Battista Marino and the “Marvelous” Passion, featuring a painting by Nicolas Poussin titled 'The Empire of Flora. Published by Officina Libraria.
Book cover of Poetry and Painting: Giovan Battista Marino and the “Marvelous” Passion, featuring a painting by Nicolas Poussin titled 'The Empire of Flora. Published by Officina Libraria.
Book cover of Poetry and Painting: Giovan Battista Marino and the “Marvelous” Passion, featuring a painting by Nicolas Poussin titled 'The Empire of Flora. Published by Officina Libraria.
Book cover of Poetry and Painting: Giovan Battista Marino and the “Marvelous” Passion, featuring a painting by Nicolas Poussin titled 'The Empire of Flora. Published by Officina Libraria.
Book cover of Poetry and Painting: Giovan Battista Marino and the “Marvelous” Passion, featuring a painting by Nicolas Poussin titled 'The Empire of Flora. Published by Officina Libraria.
Book cover of Poetry and Painting: Giovan Battista Marino and the “Marvelous” Passion, featuring a painting by Nicolas Poussin titled 'The Empire of Flora. Published by Officina Libraria.

Poetry and Painting

Giovan Battista Marino and the “Marvelous” Passion

Edited by Emilio Russo
Edited by Patrizia Tosini
Edited by Andrea Zezza


Publishing 17th Mar 2025
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    • Catalogue of the exhibition to be held from 19 November 2024 to 9 February 2025 at the Galleria Borghese in Rome
    • An exhibition dedicated to Giovan Battista Marino (Naples, 1569-1625), the main exponent of the Baroque in literature, author of Rime (1602), La Galeria (1602) and Adone (1623), and his very close relationship with the arts
    • Starting precisely with La Galeria (which had 17 editions in less than 50 years), the exhibition reflects on the dialogue between the different artistic disciplines, between poetry and painting and sculpture, between the 16th and 17th centuries, starting with Marini's texts
    • International loans from the world's most important museums, including the Prado in Madrid, the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, the MET in New York, the Louvre in Paris, the Gemäldegalerie in Dresden, which will bring to Rome works - among others - by Brueghel, Carracci, Correggio, Rubens, Palma il Giovane, Poussin, Tintoretto, Titian, as well as a careful selection of precious printed editions of Marino's works
    Full Description

    After the season of the great Renaissance painters, the prestige of the figurative arts grew as never before in history. During the 16th century, the artist went from being a common craftsman to holding a status equal to that of the greatest intellectuals of his time. The relationship between poetry and painting was consolidated in the 17th century, and became close, even competitive, when artists and men of letters confronted each other with the same themes. In this framework, the great poetry of Giovan Battista Marino (Naples, 1569-1625) plays a fundamental role. His compositions are rich in visual suggestions, derived as much from direct contact with the art collections he visited during his itinerant life as from the memory of the images of the great artists of the past. The Galeria (1620), one of his most famous books, projects onto the walls of an imaginary gallery the names of the artists and works of art that marked the poet’s courtly experience.  

    About the Author

    Emilio Russo teaches Italian Literature at the ‘Sapienza’ Università di Roma. His research focuses on Renaissance and Baroque authors (Ariosto, Tasso, Marino) and 19th century authors (Leopardi, Nievo). In the field of Marino he published Studi su Marino e Tasso (Antenore, 2005), Marino (Salerno Editrice, 2008), and edited the annotated edition of the Adone (Rizzoli, 2013). Patrizia Tosini is associate professor of History of Modern Art at Università Roma Tre. His studies revolve around the figurative arts of the Counter-Reformation, in particular painting and drawing in Rome between the 16th and 17th centuries, a theme on which he has published numerous studies, including the monograph Girolamo Muziano. Dalla Maniera alla natura (Ugo Bozzi, 2008). Andrea Zezza is full professor of History of Modern Art at the University della Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli'. He mainly deals with the history of art in southern Italy between the 16th and 18th centuries. For Officina Libraria he recently edited Raffaello. 500 anni dopo (2024).

    Officina Libraria
    Publish date
    17th Mar 2025
    World excluding Italy and France
    280 mm x 230 mm
    296 Pages
    145 color
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