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Book cover of Now we have seen: Women and Art in the Seventies in Italy, with a face with metal eye lashes. Published by Silvana.

Now we have seen

Women and Art in the Seventies in Italy

Edited by Giorgia Gastaldon


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  • This collective volume examines the relationship between women and art in 1970s Italy by investigating the rising awareness of women artists and their need for a change of pace
Full Description

This collective volume examines the relationship between women and art in 1970s Italy. Drawing inspiration from a phrase in the Manifesto di Rivolta Femminile (1970) – “we have been looking for 4000 years: now we have seen!” – it investigates the rising awareness of women artists and their need for a change of pace, as declared through the visual verbs “to look” and “to see”, which represent a shift from the passive to the active.

The topic of female emancipation in the 1970s is addressed in its privileged connection to the visual arts through the presentation of several macro-topics leading to a critical and historical analysis of the tools and paradigms of emancipation itself.

Contributions by Silvia Bottinelli, Maria Bremer, Lara Conte, Giorgia Gastaldon, Raffaella Perna.

About the Author

Giorgia Gastaldon is assistant professor in Contemporary Art History at Università degli Studi dell’Insubria and scientific director of the Italian Council 11 project Now we have seen. Women and Art in the Seventies in Italy at the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome. She received a Ph.D. in Art History from the University of Udine, held different post- doctoral fellowships and works as independent curator. In 2021 she published her monograph Schifano. Comunque, qualcos’altro. 1958–1964.

25th Jun 2024
UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Iceland, Germany, Eastern Europe, & Austria. Arab States non-exclusive. Selected territories in Asia, non-exclusive
275 mm x 210 mm
128 Pages
50 color
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