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Book cover of Norman Rockwell: 332 Magazine Covers, with an illustration of three boys and a dog running, with 'no swimming' sign behind. Published by Abbeville Press.

Norman Rockwell

332 Magazine Covers

By (author) Christopher Finch


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  • A magnificent new printing of this classic album of Norman Rockwell's best-loved works with full-colour captions in the Tiny Folio series
Full Description

At the outset of his career, Norman Rockwell was not the most likely candidate for long-term celebrity; he was just one of many skilful illustrators working within the conventions of the day. But there was something tenacious about his vision, and something uncanny about his access to the wellsprings of public taste. Although technically he was an academic painter, he had the eye of a photographer and, as he became a mature artist, he used this eye to give us a picture of America that was familiar – astonishingly so – and at the same time unique.

It seems familiar because it was everyone’s dream of America; and it was unique because only Rockwell managed to bring it to life with such authority. This was, perhaps, an America that never existed, but it was an America the public wanted to exist. And Rockwell put it together from elements that were there for everyone to see.

Rockwell helped preserve American myths, but, more than that, he recreated them and made them palatable for new generations. His function was to reassure people, to remind them of old values in times of rapid change.

About the Author
Christopher Finch was born in Guernsey in the British Channel Islands, and now lives in Los Angeles. He is an artist and a photographer who has had one person shows in New York and California, and he is the author of almost thirty non-fiction books including the best sellers Rainbow: the Stormy Life of Judy Garland, The Art of Walt Disney, Jim Henson: the Works, and Norman Rockwell's America. Recently he has embarked on a series of noir-inflected mystery novels set in New York in the late 1960s and featuring the private investigator Alex Novalis. The first of these, Good Girl, Bad Girl, is to be published by Thomas & Mercer in 2013. These books draw on his own experiences in the New York art world at a time when today's SoHo was an urban wilderness with rats frolicking in the gutters and artists eking out a living in barren loft spaces. He is married to Linda Rosenkrantz, an author and a co-founder of the website Nameberry.
Abbeville Press
2nd Oct 2020
World excluding USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Australia
111 mm x 102 mm
384 Pages
Name of series
Tiny Folio
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