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Gold metal circular bowl with decorative band to top edge, on black cover, Islamic Metalwork from the Aron Collection in gold font

Islamic Metalwork from the Aron Collection

Edited by Giovanni Curatola


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  • The precious artefacts in the Aron Collection act as a cue for a meticulous comparative study of medieval Islamic metalwork, created both by renowned artists and anonymous craftsmen
Full Description

The art of metalworking has been practiced continuously ll over the world. In this, the Islamic world is no exception. But if we look at the objects unearthed at archaeological digs or in the museums and private collections that have patiently collected them over the centuries, one cannot help but be surprised by the almost infinite quantity of materials, shapes and decorations created both by renowned artists and anonymous craftsmen.

Metalworking is a highly important and characteristic sector of Islamic art, and the diffusion of these works in contexts other than where they originated is highly significant evidence of this fact. There can be no doubt that these artefacts were produced by a highly-advanced and structured society whose boundaries and remarkable technical expertise we are still unable to place in wider contexts, most notably historical and social. Prof. Giovanni Curatola took the objects in the Aron Collection as a cue for a meticulous comparative study of medieval Islamic metalwork, making this book a fundamental addition to the literature on the subject.

6th May 2021
UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Iceland, Germany, Eastern Europe, & Austria. Arab States non-exclusive. Selected territories in Asia, non-exclusive
280 mm x 240 mm
264 Pages
220 color
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