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Ground Truth

By (author) Brandon Jorgensen


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  • Presenting a collection of Jorgensen’s architectural sketchbooks
  • A stunning and beautiful book design with a collection of photographs, sketches, and hands-on representations in the form of models, renderings, and on-site documentation
  • Craftsmanship documented through method, means, and end result photography
Full Description

US military slang uses “ground truth” to refer to the facts comprising a tactical situation on the ground — as opposed to intelligence reports, mission plans, and other descriptions reflecting the conative or policy-based projections of the industrial military complex. Regarding architecture or the practice of building, Ground Truth is our office slang, referring to the actual situation of building as opposed to design and documentation. Tactility is a key element with regards to the way we design at Atelier Jorgensen. Our office is based on combining all our resources. Drawing by hand, making mock-ups, and building models is an integral part of our process. In the field during construction this iterative approach continues where the hand stays connected to our design. We are not afraid to pick up a nail gun or skill saw to show our craftsman what we are thinking. This approach is what we have referred to as our Ground Truth — if you understand your methods and means, it will allow you to always edit and refine with authority.

About the Author

A third-generation Californian, born and raised in the Bay Area, Brandon Jorgensen’s family came to the US in the 1930s migrating from Denmark to work on the Bay Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge. His architectural workshop is based in San Francisco and Napa California. He studied architecture, receiving a Bachelor and Master’s degree in Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley. Brandon started his workshop in July of 2011 where he maintains a small team of thinkers and makers working on projects in Greece, Hawaii, Los Angeles, and all throughout California’s wine country.

ORO Editions
1st Dec 2023
World excluding USA, Canada, Australasia & Asia (except Japan; China non-exclusive)
276 mm x 216 mm
200 Pages
200 color
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