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Book cover of Giorgione, featuring a painting titled 'Portrait of Warrior with his Equerry'. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Giorgione, featuring a painting titled 'Portrait of Warrior with his Equerry'. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Giorgione, featuring a painting titled 'Portrait of Warrior with his Equerry'. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Giorgione, featuring a painting titled 'Portrait of Warrior with his Equerry'. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Giorgione, featuring a painting titled 'Portrait of Warrior with his Equerry'. Published by Silvana.
Book cover of Giorgione, featuring a painting titled 'Portrait of Warrior with his Equerry'. Published by Silvana.


By (author) Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa


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  • A new volume dedicated to Giorgione, one of the most mysterious and fascinating painters of the 16th century
Full Description

Zorzi da Castelfranco, known as Giorgione: an artist who has so few confirmed works attributed to him, and about whose life little is known.

Yet, after a career span of just over ten years, Giorgione has achieved a fame that has remained unchanged over the centuries. Starting from Giovanni Bellini’s lessons on spirituality and harmony between man and nature, and from the use of colour by Giovan Battista Cima da Conegliano, the master from Castelfranco offers a very particular synthesis of musical lyricism, connecting bodies and landscape with a soft and dense light.

This tonal painting, set by Cima and Bellini, becomes with Giorgione the language of initiation of the formidable brood protagonist of the great Venetian 16th century, the season of Palma il Vecchio, Sebastiano del Piombo and Tiziano Vecellio.

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16th May 2022
UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Iceland, Germany, Eastern Europe, & Austria. Arab States non-exclusive. Selected territories in Asia, non-exclusive
325 mm x 240 mm
272 Pages
150 color
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