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Book cover of Design Build Studios in Latin America, Teaching through a social agenda. Published by ORO Editions.
Book cover of Design Build Studios in Latin America, Teaching through a social agenda. Published by ORO Editions.
Book cover of Design Build Studios in Latin America, Teaching through a social agenda. Published by ORO Editions.
Book cover of Design Build Studios in Latin America, Teaching through a social agenda. Published by ORO Editions.
Book cover of Design Build Studios in Latin America, Teaching through a social agenda. Published by ORO Editions.
Book cover of Design Build Studios in Latin America, Teaching through a social agenda. Published by ORO Editions.
Book cover of Design Build Studios in Latin America, Teaching through a social agenda. Published by ORO Editions.
Book cover of Design Build Studios in Latin America, Teaching through a social agenda. Published by ORO Editions.

Design Build Studios in Latin America

Teaching through a social agenda

By (author) Felipe Mesa
By (author) Ana Valderrama


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  • This is the first book to put together the work of the most relevant Latin American Design Build Studios
  • This publication documents the work carried out by 14 Design-Build Studios in Latin America over the past 20 years, compiling a total of 39 projects that place an emphasis on teaching with a social agenda and the impact that the construction experience has on students and communities
  • Fabrizio Gallanti wrote the book’s foreword, he is a founding member of the collective gruppo A12 (1993-2004) and the architectural research studio Fig-Projects (2003-Present)
Full Description

This publication documents the work carried out by 14 Design-Build Studios in Latin America over the past 20 years, compiling a total of 39 projects that place an emphasis on teaching with a social agenda and the impact that the construction experience has on students and communities.

In contrast to architecture teaching around the world that places the emphasis on individual work, competition, and representation, these studios stimulate collaborative work and produce small-format buildings with flexible programs that have an immediate impact on their context.

While global architecture often feels remote from people, the courses that take this approach manage resources sustainably and build projects with a high intensity of use. In the context of the most unequal region on the planet, this kind of studio enables students to interact positively in response to social, environmental, and architectural constraints.

Design Build Studios in Latin America asks questions about what matters in the present-day training and practice of architecture if we want our discipline to play a leading role in the ecological and social challenges of our time.

About the Author

Felipe Mesa is a founding partner of Plan:b Arquitectos, an architecture studio based in Medellín, Colombia—www.planbarq.com—and is assistant professor at The Design School — Architecture Program — of Arizona State University. In 2013 and 2018 he co-directed the Design-Build Studio Nubes de Madera at the School of Architecture of the Pontifical Bolivarian University, Medellín. Felipe Mesa conceives of the architectural project as a provisional pact, permeable configuration, and positive expression of the ecological and social forces around us. His projects and research into the practice and teaching of architecture have been published by Mesaestándar in four books: Acuerdos Parciales (2005), Arquitectura en espera (2007), Permeabilidad (2013), and Arquitectura a la inversa (2017); and the book 12 Projects in 120 Constraints (2021), published by AR+D publishing.

Ana Valderrama is co-founder of Matéricos Periféricos, a collective that works for social and environmental justice based in Rosario, Argentina. She is director of the Master’s in Landscape Architecture and associate professor of the School of Architecture at the National University of Rosario. Ana Valderrama conceives of architecture as congealed emergences of a multiple and dialogical framework of human and non-human vitalities through time. She is currently completing a doctorate in Landscape Architecture at the University of Illinois. Her projects, works, and research have appeared in specialist journals and books, including Poéticas colectivas, published by Bisman Ediciones (2019).

Look Inside
ORO Editions
2nd Nov 2023
Paperback / softback
World excluding USA, Canada, Australasia & Asia (except Japan; China non-exclusive)
254 mm x 203 mm
180 Pages
150 color
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