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Book cover of Davide Balliano, with a sculptural painting of white geometric wavy lines. Published by Silvana.

Davide Balliano

Time After Time

Edited by Silvana Editoriale


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  • This book illustrates a wide selection of works that offer a complete overview of Davide Balliano's production
Full Description

Davide Balliano (Turin, IT 1983) is an artist whose research operates on the thin line of demarcation between painting and sculpture. Utilising an austere, minimal language of abstract geometries in strong dialogue with architecture, his work investigates existential themes such as the identity of man in the age of technology and his relationship with the sublime.

Through a practice that is self-described as monastic, austere and concrete, Balliano’s meticulous paintings appear, upon first glance, clean and precise. However, closer inspection reveals scrapes and scratches that uncover the organic wooden surface underneath the layers of paint, as a decaying façade of abandoned modernistic intentions.

In addition to painting, Davide Balliano is also known for his sculptural work, which translates the visual vocabulary found in his paintings into solid objects, often in stainless steel or ceramic.

The volume, which offers a wide selection of works that offer a complete overview of his production, contains a conversation between Osman Can Yerebakane and the artist, and a critical text by Michele Robecchi.

Text in English and Italian.

6th Jun 2023
UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Iceland, Germany, Eastern Europe, & Austria. Arab States non-exclusive. Selected territories in Asia, non-exclusive
250 mm x 190 mm
448 Pages
280 color
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