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Book cover of Christian J. Lange's Cities of Repetition: Hong Kong's Private Housing Estates. Published by ORO Editions.

Cities of Repetition

Hong Kong's Private Housing Estates

By (author) Christian J. Lange


Publishing 14th Oct 2024
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    • The endless squares and rectangles of Hong Kong architecture produce a vertigo-inducing sense of infinity
    • A unique book dedicated to styles of repetition in urban design
    Full Description

    Cities of Repetition provides a comprehensive graphic documentation and analysis of the largest Hong Kong housing estates built by private developers, from the late 1960s through to the early 2000s. Original drawings and diagrams illustrate and compare the ultra-dense, mass-produced, highly repetitive built environments in which hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong residents live. This book studies the practicalities of urban design in limited space, but also the effects of structure, routine, and replication on the human psyche. Its array of colour and black-and-white images will immerse the reader in Hong Kong’s uniquely repetitive cityscape.

    About the Author

    Christian J. Lange is a registered German architect and Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong. He received his Master's of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University and his Diploma in Architecture from the HTWK in Leipzig. Jason F. Carlow (Associate AIA) is an Assistant Professor at the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. He holds a B.A. in Visual and Environmental Studies from Harvard University and a Master of Architecture from Yale University.

    ORO Editions
    Publish date
    14th Oct 2024
    Paperback / softback
    World excluding USA, Canada, Australasia & Asia (except Japan; China non-exclusive)
    240 mm x 184 mm
    260 Pages
    200 color, 260 b&w
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