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The Cardsharps by Caravaggio, 3 men playing cards at table, CARAVAGGIO Fashion and Fabrics in white font on green banner to bottom


Fashion and Fabrics

Edited by Francesco Gonzales


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  • The historic textile collections belonging to the Diocese of Novara and preserved within the ancient sacristies of its many churches, have inspired the volume Caravaggio: Fashion and Fabrics
  • Caravaggio's ability to capture in paint such precious garments, with their shimmering weaves, arabesque-like patterns and decorative motifs informs a new narrative, exploring how clothing may indicate much more than a mere fashion choice
Full Description

Using Caravaggio’s The Cardsharps as the focus, we may understand how the three figures depicted are set in contrast: by social class, age and appearance. These differences are underpinned by the clothing that they wear, and on closer examination, it is apparent that the fabrics described in paint are directly comparable to those of the historic collections of Novara. In their insightful and detailed analysis, the authors of this volume present a comprehensive overview of the development of fashion and fabrics, from the sixteenth to the seventeenth century, when Italy’s textile industry was at its peak. Text in English and Italian.

27th Jun 2018
Paperback / softback
UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Iceland, Germany, Eastern Europe, & Austria. Arab States non-exclusive. Selected territories in Asia, non-exclusive
280 mm x 240 mm
80 Pages
50 color
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