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Book cover of Breguet, Story of a Passion: 1973-1987, with a Breguet No. 5 pocket watch. Published by Watchprint.com.

Breguet, Story of a Passion


By (author) Somogy


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  • This book serves as an account of the successive stages and means that led to the spectacular revival of an emblematic name in watchmaking: Breguet
Full Description

Written as a type of intimate journal combining childhood memories with those of a young apprentice and all the experiences gained and born of encounters, firstly with the great names in jewellerry and subsequently in watchmaking, this book is above all a testimony to the birth of a passion placed at the service of the brand. François Bodet makes plain, through his own story, the profound significance of time in the evolution of knowledge. This is all the more worth highlighting today, when our society is confronted with the constraints of standardisation, computerisation and dehumanisation which result in the “quickly done” taking precedence over the “well done”. It is appropriate to remember that success may only be achieved by following the various stages of a process that must allow time to take its course. As well as devoting his life to the rebirth of historical pocket watches while safeguarding their essence, François Bodet succeeded in promoting Breguet internationally, while preserving the emotional substance of objects that have come to life through a process showing respect for the various phases of time. These pages are filled with a sense of humility, since knowledge – as the author aptly expresses it – is passed on by individuals serving as intermediaries in fostering the growth of talent. All his masters are named and due tribute is paid to them, since it is so clearly true that “the nostalgic sound of the soul” in each of these watches.

27th May 2015
World excluding Switzerland
197 mm x 194 mm
128 Pages
26 color, 6 b&w
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