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Pale grey cover with URBANISM in fine black outline and Basics of Urbanism in pinky red font

Basics of Urbanism

12 Notions of Territorial Transformation

Edited by Aglaée Degros
Edited by Anna Bagaric
Edited by Sabine Bauer
Edited by Radostina Radulova-Stahmer
Edited by Mario Stefan
Edited by Eva Schwab


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  • A manual for a new territorial approach to urban design in the 21st century, based on twelve key concepts
  • A concise survey and clear presentation of a range planning tools make the book equally suitable for students and practitioners
  • Introduces concrete examples of visionary spatial developments with a strong focus on practice 
  • Text in English and German
Full Description

Urban design today is facing a multitude of challenges. Using 12 key terms, this book connects these challenges to projects in this field. It introduces concepts. presents possible solutions, and describes implementation processes. A special focus is put on the interaction of the built environment with living systems — an approach that is slowly gaining acceptance within the urban design community and that is setting aside a primarily building-oriented practice in favour of an increased appreciation of public space.

Basics of Urbanism defines and illustrates parameters with a clearly territorial approach to urban design. Space between buildings is treated as an essential structure for environmental and social change within small-scale neighbourhoods and blocks, as well as at the level districts and even entire cities. This approach includes forward-thinking temporal aspects as well as the implementation of existing resources in the creation of new spatial qualities.

Text in English and German.

About the Author

Aglaée Degros is an architect and urban designer, and a founding principal of Brussels-based design firm Artgineering. She is also director of and a professor at the Institute of Urban Design at Technische Universität Graz.

Anna Maria Bagarić, Sabine Bauer, and Radostina Radulova-Stahmer are teaching and research assistants at the Institute of Urbanism, Technische Universität Graz.

Mario Stefan is an architect with Graz-based studio Nussmüller Architekten.

Eva Schwab is a landscape designer and deputy director of the Institute of Urban Design at Technische Universität Graz.

Look Inside
Park Books
14th Oct 2021
Paperback / softback
World excluding Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, United States, Canada, and Japan
235 mm x 205 mm
320 Pages
120 color
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