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Book cover of Heinz Wirz's Fournier Maccagnan: De aedibus 62. Published by Quart Publishers.

Fournier Maccagnan

De aedibus 62

By (author) Heinz Wirz


Publishing 13th Jan 2025
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    • Architectural couple Pascal Fournier and Sandra Maccagnan have been working in the Unterwallis region to produce a remarkable oeuvre
    Full Description

    For almost 15 years, the architectural couple Pascal Fournier and Sandra Maccagnan have been working in the Unterwallis region to produce a remarkable oeuvre. The individual buildings consciously react to their developed, usually rural environments and are able to clarify them, thereby achieving a more beautiful, complete whole.

    Text in English and German.

    Quart Publishers
    Publish date
    13th Jan 2025
    Paperback / softback
    World excluding Central Europe, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Africa, Middle East, and West Indies
    290 mm x 225 mm
    80 Pages
    70 color, 30 b&w
    Name of series
    De aedibus
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