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Pablo Echaurren

Pablo Echaurren

Art for the Many

Edited by Martina Caruso
Edited by Jacopo Galimberti
Edited by Raffaella Perna


Publishing 14th Apr 2025
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    • This new monograph, and first in English, examines the career of artist, activist, and intellectual Pablo Echaurren
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    Since the beginning of his career in the late 1960s, Pablo Echaurren has engaged with disparate media, from zines to comics, from painting to assemblage and the internet, creating an extensive body of work that defies neat categorisations. Drawing parallels between the historical avant-gardes and the countercultures from the 1960s to the early 2000s, his oeuvre has always been consistent in its intent to address and cooperate with non-specialists. Pablo Echaurren: Art for the Many is the first monograph in English to be entirely devoted to his work. Featuring ten essays and an interview with him and his wife, the scholar Claudia Salaris, it covers the career of an artist, activist, and intellectual who has challenged received ideas about postwar art in Italy and cast new light on the cross-pollination of art and politics over the past six decades.

    With contributions by Marica Antonucci, Pierpaolo Antonello, Jennifer Griffiths, Ara Merjan, Chiara Portesine, Roberto Spampinato, Daniel Spaulding and Carlotta Vacchelli.

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    Publish date
    14th Apr 2025
    UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Iceland, Germany, Eastern Europe, & Austria. Arab States non-exclusive. Selected territories in Asia, non-exclusive
    275 mm x 210 mm
    216 Pages
    122 color
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