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Book cover of Penzel Valier: Architecture, Construction, Design 2007–2024, with interior of brutalist building. Published by Park Books.

Penzel Valier

Architecture, Construction, Design 2007–2024

Edited by Leonore Daum
Edited by Christian Penzel
Edited by Friedrich Tellbüscher
Edited by Martin Valier


Publishing 10th Mar 2025
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    • First monograph on Penzel Valier, one of Switzerland’s leading design firms
    • Uniquely demonstrates the close interplay of architecture and structural engineering that marks Penzel Valier’s designs
    • Lavishly illustrated with previously unpublished photographs and visualisations, plans, and trimetric projections
    • With a complete illustrated catalogue of Penzel Valier’s built, unrealised, and ongoing projects
    Full Description

    Founded in Zurich in 2008 by architect Christian Penzel and structural engineer Martin Valier, Penzel Valier have established themselves as one of Switzerland’s leading design firms. In 15 years, they have realised projects that uniquely demonstrate the interplay between the two disciplines. Their portfolio includes a wide range of different typologies, including transportation and infrastructure buildings, office and sports structures, as well as housing, interior design, and objects.

    This first monograph on Penzel Valier combines the fundamentals of their design principles with a presentation of their key buildings and projects. Essays by distinguished authors examine the firm’s work from different perspectives. A detailed illustrated complete catalogue of their built, unrealised, and ongoing projects since 2007–2024 rounds off this beautiful volume.

    About the Author

    Christian Penzel and Martin Valier founded their Zurich-based firm Penzel Valier in 2008. Penzel studied design at HFBK in Hamburg and graduated in architecture from TU Berlin. Valier graduated as a structural engineer from HTW Chur (today University of Applied Sciences Graubünden) in Chur, Switzerland. Leonore Daum holds degrees in architecture from TU Berlin and the University of California Los Angeles. Friedrich Tellbüscher graduated in architecture from Leibniz University in Hannover. They are both managing partners with Penzel Valier in Zurich.

    Park Books
    Publish date
    10th Mar 2025
    Paperback / softback
    World excluding Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, United States, Canada, and Japan
    285 mm x 235 mm
    520 Pages
    641 color, 442 b&w
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