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Book cover of Travelling with Vincent – Van Gogh in Drenthe, with a painting titled Two women in the Peat Field, by Vincent Van Gogh. Published by Waanders Publishers.

Travelling with Vincent - Van Gogh in Drenthe

Edited by Waanders Publishers


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  • This book sheds new light on perhaps the least known chapter in Van Gogh's life story
  • Accompanies the exhibition Travelling with Vincent in the Drents Museum, Assen
Full Description

Vincent van Gogh boarded the last train from The Hague to Hoogeveen on Tuesday, September 11, 1883. He stays there for several weeks, then moves to Nieuw-Amsterdam/Veenoord and visits Zweeloo. The landscape makes a deep impression on him. Everywhere around him he sees landscapes that remind him of the work of his great examples: the Dutch landscape painters of the 17th century, the 19th-century Barbizon School of France and his contemporaries of the Hague School. It inspired him to set to work himself. His period in Drenthe is an important moment in Van Gogh’s development as an artist that ultimately made him world famous. This book sheds new light on perhaps the least known chapter in Van Gogh’s life story.

Waanders Publishers
12th Jun 2024
World excluding Benelux
290 mm x 230 mm
160 Pages
200 color
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