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Cameos and Intaglios – L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts, France

12 May — 1 Oct 2022

Cameos, intaglios and rings from the Guy Ladrière Collection

From May 12 to October 1, 2022, L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts will present the story of the art of engraved gems from antiquity to the 19th century. It brings together Greek and neoclassical intaglios, antique and mediaeval cameos, small sculptures from the imperial period, Merovingian signet rings, and episcopal rings to explore every facet of the long history of glyptic art.

Through the study of the magnificent Guy Ladrière private collection, the public can embark on an introduction to the history of glyptic art next spring at L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts in Paris. Approximately two hundred pieces will be on display, ranging from Greek Antiquity to the 19th century, thereby providing a panorama of techniques and styles.

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